Chinese boxing – WKF SANDA title fights, how it goes

Posted By on April 2, 2022

Sifu YAN Dinan

We have got many request for title fights around the World and many people ask about how it goes in our SANDA division.

It is very simple, everybody can download WKF title fight minimum request , this should answer FAQ.

Like in Ring sport all fighters must be listed in the



send your fighter profile with JPG photo and your fighter will be posted in next 48 hours.

If you want to promote SANDA title fights send a „title application form“ to our head office, to avoid all misunderstandings. All fees on request !

Rulebooks for SANDA title fights available in English and Deutsch.

For further requests send just a mail

to our SANDA World head office.



Mr. YAN Dinan, Sanda and Wushu World president, Chengdu, China

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