Our WKF supervisor for CIS and Baltic States – Роман Логиш

Posted By on April 25, 2022

Our high respected Mr. Roman LOGISCH as  WKF Supervisor for CIS and Baltic States

Mr. Logisch is now since long time member and WKF GERMANY president. He speaks perfect German, fluent English and is native Russian speaker as well.

For any further requests in this area please contact him by mail.


Роман Логиш

Президент Федерации ВКФ в Германии.

Супервизор ВКФ в СНГ и Прибалтике

Роман родился в Казахской ССР. В 7 лет переехал с семьей в Белоруссию. Закончил БГУФК, учился на кафедре спортивно-боевых единоборств и спецподготовки.


Неоднократный победитель и призер международных турниров по рукопашному бою, тайландскому боксу и кикбоксингу. Чемпион Евразии по муай-тай, чемпион Европы среди профессионалов по кикбоксингу, боец “Суперлиги”.


С 2001г. проживает в Германии. Активно занимается тренерской и промоутерской деятельностью. Подготовил многократных чемпионов Германии и Европы по кикбоксингу.

Успешно развивает Федерацию ВКФ на территории Германии, является совладельцем спортивного профессионального клуба. По вопросам организации совместной работы обращайтесь на адрес электронной почты:


WKF PRO-AM division – our fourth pro division

Posted By on April 15, 2022

From the beginning in WKF we split very clearly amateur and pro business, in ring sport as well as in PPF and MMA.
Very strong is our SANDA & WUSHU division.

WKF PRO-AM continental title belt

This is to follow many requests and wishes of our clients , managers and thousands of our fighters from all over the World.

Today we are very successfully not only in pro sport but of course in amateur business too.



With great pleasure we want your poster of WKF sanctioned tournaments, with our logo on the poster. We would like to help with online advertising free of charge, of course. Short reports after would be great.

We just want to remind every WKF country president World wide to send fighter profiles of your amateurs or just non-professional male/female fighters in ring sport. We have same system like in other pro sport in WKF.

We offer the chance to fight in all 4 ring sport divisions for our great demand WKF Champion belts. Here are our 4 pro divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more


Our WKF PRO-AM titles has a great value because of our World wide network with today 126 member countries you have the chance to fight not only at home. And no fighter will lose his/her amateur status , he/she can fight still on any tournament, any World Championship World wide.

And you can be sure just to face another amateur fighter with perhaps 15 to 20 fights and not real pro with more than 100 fights.

The rules andregulations for PRO-AM are easy to understand and waiting for your download.

All you have to do is just send your fighter profile and jpg photos like always and we post your team online.

Because: only male/female fighter listed in our PRO-AM World ranking are qualified to fight for our WKF titles.

For further requests or interest on any possible PRO-AM title fights do not hesitate to send a mail, please.


WKF PRO-AM World title belt

Chinese boxing – WKF SANDA title fights, how it goes

Posted By on April 2, 2022

Sifu YAN Dinan

We have got many request for title fights around the World and many people ask about how it goes in our SANDA division.

It is very simple, everybody can download WKF title fight minimum request , this should answer FAQ.

Like in Ring sport all fighters must be listed in the



send your fighter profile with JPG photo and your fighter will be posted in next 48 hours.

If you want to promote SANDA title fights send a „title application form“ to our head office, to avoid all misunderstandings. All fees on request !

Rulebooks for SANDA title fights available in English and Deutsch.

For further requests send just a mail

to our SANDA World head office.



Mr. YAN Dinan, Sanda and Wushu World president, Chengdu, China